I was at the fair and I answered a few questions

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by SzaboneCsibyHajnalka

April 25, 2022

Yesterday, I and my jewelrys were at the fair. It was a good little fair. Many people were swirling in that small square. There were interesting programs, many beautiful craft exhibitors and the weather was kind to us!

Besides the customers, quite a few cute and kind people stopped to admire my jewelrys and to talk about it. They asked good questions, I never thought that what is clear to me is different for people who don’t know how to bead.

I will tell you a couple of details from the conversations, I hope you won’t get bored. If you have ever had such questions about beaded jewelry or, for example, you did not know that it was not made the way as you imagined😊

First, a mother came with a little girl around 5-6 years old. The little girl really liked one of my RoundShape necklaces because of the big balls and the color. She touched them and turned one of the balls (because the balls can be turned and moved on the chain), at which the mother jumped and immediately pulled the little girl’s hand away from the necklace. She was surprised when I said that it’s ok to touche the necklece, that it will be fine. She thought that the beads were glued to some kind of base and that if the child held it tightly, they would fall off. I immediately explained to her that all the beads are strung together with a string, they are not attached to the wooden ball underneath, it only provides support. She was very surprised and immediately touched it, pressed the giant balls of the necklace, checking if I was really telling the truth.

RoundShape nyaklánc, szürke-sárga színű golyókkal
RoundShape medál szürke – sárga színben

A very cute lady, on the other hand, very categorically stated that I can only buy so many items, so she would ask in which country the jewelrys were made. I had to tell long storys about my jewelrys and the techniques used to make it, before I saw that maybe she believe that I made them. Maybe I have a little too much in stock?

Toppantó vásár
My stock in the fair

One of my favorite conversation is when someone asks about my beadcrocheted jewelry. There was this question about how I made the bracelet below. I explain her about the steps: that I string the beads on a thin crochet thread one by one, and then crochet them one by one, attached to each other, in a loop. I could see that she was surprised and imagined how long this work could be and asked how long it takes to make a bracelet. She could hardly believe that I made this bracelet in 5-6 hours. This is what the routine does.

Csokibronz gyöngyhorgolt karkötő
Csokibronz gyöngyhorgolt karkötő

I also categorize my beadtassel jewelry as beadcrocheted jewelry, since it is based on a crocheted pillar, which provides support for the strands that gently glide over it. We also talked a little about these with a nice customer. I told her that the base is beadcrocheted and that’s why it’s so soft, because I attach a strand to each of the crocheted eyes with a very thin thread. It’s a lot of work, but the end result speaks for itself, right?

Tűz gyöngybojt szett
Tűz gyöngybojt szett

What questions do you have about my jewelry? There isn’t a question I can’t answer for you about them, since I make them myself. Just feel free to ask your question!

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