Category: Other

Valentine’s Day or Women’s Day?

Valentine’s Day or Women’s Day?

I know, I know, Valentine's Day was last week. But I wanted to tell you about some memories I have related to this.I was born and raised in Romania, so in my first 21 years I got to know the customs there. When I was a child, we didn't know Valentine's Day existed, we...

Valentine’s Day is almost here

Valentine’s Day is almost here

Celebrating Valentine's Day can be very divisive. Many people celebrate and feel obliged to give gifts, and there are those on the opposite side who say that it is a made-up holiday and it is not worth bothering with. A fictional holiday indeed. Just like a lot of...

I’m packing! This is how I pack your orders

I’m packing! This is how I pack your orders

I've had this blog post brewing for a while now, because I've been getting a lot of private questions and requests about it, so it's time to write it down in public, in case it helps you. So the questions are: 1. Is the packaging discreet or is it immediately obvious...

I was at the fair and I answered a few questions

I was at the fair and I answered a few questions

Yesterday, I and my jewelrys were at the fair. It was a good little fair. Many people were swirling in that small square. There were interesting programs, many beautiful craft exhibitors and the weather was kind to us! Besides the customers, quite a few cute and kind...

Let’s start the new year with the new Pantone color

Let’s start the new year with the new Pantone color

A Pantone intézet minden évben megválasztja az év színét, amely szerintük a legjobban illeszkedik majd az előttünk álló, új évhez. Az idei, azaz 2022-es év színe a Very Peri nevet kapta, amelyet a vállalat külön legyártatott, ilyen szín eddig nem létezett. Leatrice...
